course info

snow college - art 2950

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Set of instructions Artwork: AJ Roberts

1. Get a piece of paper.
2. Get a writing utensil.
3. Sit for an undisturbed minute.
4. Draw what your thinking with a
 different part of your body other than your hands.
5. Now destroy it.
6. Draw the "Ruined" product on a separate piece of paper. 
7. Apply Color.


Was watching some videos before this, decided to draw a goblin type creature. Drawn with my right foot with a purple pen; Timed myself for 1 minute.

 I then shredded with some scissors, making the pile above. 

Then drew a picture with the same pen I used for the initial drawing. 

Then used a green and yellow highlighter, blue and brown colored pencils to add the color. Spacing them in random spaces between each other. Creating a very chaotic and rough artwork.

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