course info

snow college - art 2950

Monday, January 30, 2012

White Noise by Marie Ward

The words chosen for my sound piece White Noise were selected through the following rules:

  • Open several pages of newspaper, spread them across the floor.
  • Take three coins and toss them willly-nelly onto the papers.
  • Proceed t write one word from under each coin down.
  • Be sure some adds are included with the articles.
-Marie Ward

Marie's 60 second definition of art

Art is not just anything; it produces a moment in time, emotion and meaning.

60 second definition of Art - Elle

Art is the beauty of life put on display.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


I turned to my favorite 'chapters' in each book. 3 chapters. wrote a series of numbers at random and followed that series through each chapter and wrote down the words in sequential order. repeated with new numbers 2 more times. organized, switched a line here and there and took out a couple 'a', 'or','and's' and was on my way...ccraig.

my recording turned out nuts as well.

signs be now rarest
loins sign the thighs

alone, the pleasure.

microcosm-lit decadance, I.

it is man

and lie up,

of grand it Governs.
                                                      Of grand, or a true I.
     Validity, not now-
                               true here.

Houses are generous, energetic sign
-usually mark the blue.

Give , Give, light
only Light, I.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

A New Direction -Melissa, Marie, and Zackariah

1) Each person get 7 pieces of paper and a pen. (No Pencil)
2)Now on each piece of paper write down "I am/I have..." and then list one thing you think is a flaw about yourself.
3)Do not show or tell this to the other people in your group
4)Fold up each piece of paper so that no one can read it or see what it is.
5)Gather your pieces of paper and go outside to where there is a lot of people.
6)Individually go up and give your piece of paper to someone you don't know.
7)You are not allowed to say anything to this person and you are not allowed to leave until they respond and finish responding.
8)After they have read it and made any comment or taken an action simply say "Thank you for your time" and walk away.
9)After giving away all your pieces of paper, return to where you started and pull out another piece of paper and a pen. (No pencil)
10)Write down how you felt after each experience of giving away your flaw.

art by direction - group - Take 2!

Art by Direction – Take two!

1. Go to where Melissa found herself as an artist…

2. Find 2 somethings the size of your head. These items should also be something an octopus would never eat.

3. Leave the room and building and take a trip outdoors.

4. Find a place outside where Zachariah would find inspiration for his next big cartoon.

5. Search this area for 2 somethings the same length as Zacharah’s left arm, as well as 2 somethings the size of his right leg (4 items).

6. Go to a place where Marie has had a memorable experience worth writing in her journal.

7. Here, find 6 somethings: 3 the size of Marie’s hands and 3 the size of her feet.

8. How much do you rely on your ability to see?? With all your items in hand, bring them and your beautiful selves into the dark room. You may NOT turn the lights on!

9. Once in the dark room compile all items together.

10. Using the boards and markers that were given to you, write a secret somewhere (visible) on the board.

11. A sticky situation… Now that your secret has been recorded, randomly reach for objects from your pile to use to cover up your secret (use the adhesive spray if you wish. Shake well!). There are a total of 12 items therefore each person should get to use 4 items each. But be aware that your group members may cheat you if they are more nervous about their secret than you. Be careful ;)

12. Feeling uncomfortable?? If you feel you really must have more items, you may (by yourself without your board) leave the darkroom and search the other art rooms for NO MORE than 2 items. Return to finish your project.

13. How well do you take criticism?? Once finished and all items have been used, leave the darkroom and go find 3 people to comment on each of your final boards. Someone must video tape this portion!

14. Give each other a big hug (in public) you’ve completed your journey together!

*Keep your stuff to show the class =]

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

art by direction - group

art by direction - group

personal manifesto - Elle

My Personal Manifesto

I find beautiful disasters and organized messes.

I discover planned accidents.

I hear the voice of color and texture.

I understand the ink when it tells me what it’s thinking.

I believe the brush when it says it’s tired and out of shape.

I sympathize with the canvas when it admits it feels empty and lonely.

I feel the button, when it won’t click.

I smile with the messages written on the foggy window.

I see the waves of heat from the lights as they focus on their subject.

I smell success after all nighters in the studio.

I admire the hand after a masterpiece.

I crave the salivating sweetness of a freshly frosted cupcake.

I listen to footsteps as they beat a rhythm down the sidewalk.

I fiddle with the feelings of confusion.

I ponder the ideas of the artists.

I question the shadows stretched across the walls.

I fear not knowing, and not finding.

I wait for the award of patience.

I desire reaction.

I grasp the lens as it slides into position.

I dream of realities and impossibilities.

I seek the limits of the imagination.

I push the thread through the edges of imperfect fabric.

I lift the worry from the employer.

I speak with faith and religion.

I tell the story of stress and dedication.

I ride out the storm till its end.

I realize when late, gets too late.

I choose to make things happen.

I help engineer the magic of a rainbow.

I swear to never swear.

I confess to imperfectness.

I anticipate the evils of the unbelieving.

I accept I may have no control over any situation.

I scratch at the goose bumps raised on my arms.

I know art will always be in my soul.

Weston-Page 39 of this is not a book.

Posted this comment in the GSC building.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

These thoughts keep running through my head, this is my manifesto.

A Personal Manifesto. 

  • Art conveys emotion, transports the viewer and encourages connections, good, bad or anywhere in between. 
  • Procrastination is a fantastic tool.  
  • Don't let other's ideas strangle out your own, instead use them like playmates for your own growth.  
  • Abandon fear, run from it!  
  • Take what you like, leave what you don't.
  • Heart break is another fantastic tool.
  • I encourage extreme swings in emotion.
  • Surround yourself with an artist community.
  • Don't create student work, do your best.
  • Decide when you've finished based off deadlines.
  • Forgive your mistakes immediately.
  • Give yourself half a chance- give yourself enough time before becoming frustrated.
  • Keep an open mind to new ideas.
  • Music. Inspires.

~Marie Ward

Life Manifesto

Just some stuff I've learned over the course of time and what I wish to live by as I get older. -Melissa Beasley

Ideologies and Boxes. A manifesto by Zackariah Ausgotharp