course info

snow college - art 2950

Monday, April 22, 2024

Creative Future- Liz Cheshire

 Creative Future

Money: food security, health security, being able to have the necessities plus more for fun.

Actions to take: 

  • Save a portion of my paychecks to my savings account
  • Create a strict budget and stick to it

Career/Job: Studio Artist and middle school or high school art teacher.

Actions to take:

  • Create a solid website for my works
  • Be more active on social medias and learn how to market my work
  • Get my teaching license 

Community/Peers: Online art community through social media as well as local artist friends in the state that I am living in. 

Actions to take:

  • Interact with the artists I admire/ am interested with on social media
  • Apply to more art shows in the state to meet more people

Place/ Live: I would be happy anywhere I go as long as I am with my future wife. My top locations would be Maryland, Maine, Massachusetts, The Carolinas, or California. 

Actions to take:

  • Find a place to live
  • Find a job at that location

Environment/ Studio: Large studio space with windows. Painting easels and painting materials. Printmaking slab and press. Apple computer, photography setup, digital scanner, storage closet. A calming yet fun space.

Actions to take: 

  • Start collecting items over the years for when I have my own studio
  • Create a set apart fund for my studio

Mentors: Other people in the area, online class mentors, past teachers.

Actions to take:

  • Familiarize myself with other artists I want to learn from
  • Take online art classes

Education: Complete my AFA at Snow College, then complete a regular BFA then get a teaching licensure or do a BFA in Art Teaching

Actions to take:

  • Apply for schools I am interested in
  • Tour campuses and see what feels right

Lifestyle: A fun balanced lifestyle

Actions to take:

  • Participate in multiple activities, not just art related
  • Implement element of how I want that lifestyle to look, little by little

Spiritual/Mental: Feel more connected with myself and the earth around me

Actions to take:

  • Continue being in therapy
  • Take meditation/ sound bath classes

Physical: Be physically fit, not too buff but just enough to feel good

Actions to take:

  • Take workout classes/ enroll in a gym membership

Practice/Process: Be an oil painter, acrylic painter, and printmaker.

Actions to take:

  • Take more painting and printmaking classes
  • Set aside time for working on concepts

Mackenzie Justesen Creative future


Career: I would like to be a character concept artist. But I am still flexible in what I would like to do. 

Money: I don’t need a ton of wealth, nor do I really want it. But make enough to not be in debt, pay the bills, and still have some for savings and for fun family trips.

Place to live: I would like a nice decent sized house, with a garden/backyard. 

Enviroment/studio: Depending on the space I could have a room, or make a shed in the yard into a studio. I would definitely need somewhere to put all my stuff that is for sure. 

Education: I want to get a bacholers, I am thinking of either graphic design or animation. I don’t know where yet. And I want to continue learning after school with workshops and such.

Lifestyle: I want to be comfortable with the option to travel and have fun. 

Community/peers: I would like to live in a community that is supportive or at least kind with each other. My family will always be a part of my community, with some close friends I hope. I’d also like to find some art friends.

Roddy Gwilliam creative future


Creative Future - Michael Peterson


Creative Future- Isabelle Ludvigson

 Who do you want to be?

  • I want to continue my personal study after my AFA

  • I want to add more movement and mindfulness into my life

  • I want to eventually start a family

Where will you go?

  • Travel!

  • Move out of the state and experience a different environment

  • Live in a safe community— not too big but not too small

  • Have a creative space for me and Sam

    • Could be separate, but have a space for both of us as well

How are you gonna accomplish it/ what will you do?

  • Graduate with my AFA

    • Preparing creatively

  • Take online art classes or in-person art classes after graduating to continue my personal study

  • Save money for school and family stuff

    • Get better jobs and work hard!

  • Afford a home

What can I do today to work on this?

  • Study hard

    • Canvas is my best friend

    • Work from priority 1, 2, 3, etc.

  • Survive finals

  • Take 5-10 minutes each day to think critically

    • Started learning a new language a few days ago

    • Helps stretch my brain

  • Take some time each day to take care of myself

    • Helps my mental health

  • Take time to connect with family and friends

    • Spend some time with Sam

    • Connect with other students

Creative Future - lee


Alexis Gutierrez - Creative Future


Insight for the future - Samuel Hosteenez


Creative Future - Erica Thomas


Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Nicole Partridge - A walk


Snippet of a morning routine

Nicole Partridge -Persona (late)


Persona is Jax. He’s 19, and in his emo phase. Has cropped bangs, with purple tips, he likes to wear a lot of graphic tees. Tries to be rebellious and confident but often comes across as cringe to others. He’s trying his best though, and genuinely likes what his aesthetic is. He’s also genuinely confident in himself. He quite likes neon colors and will use them in his art as often as possible. As well as paint his nails with neon nail polish. He’s not extremely picky in his music tastes, despite the stereotype for emo kids. Enjoys classic emo, modern emo, and surprisingly musicals. He has severe ADHD, hence why his art tends to be all over the place.

(This might be too much but eh. That’s that) (sorry it’s late)