course info

snow college - art 2950

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Self-portrait & Time - Brianna Borst.

Some may say looking at yourself in the mirror for 15 minutes is narcissistic, and in a way that may be true, but I used this time as a way for a self-evaluation. While staring at my reflection, I wrote out all the words I believed to describe myself on a paper - whether they be adjectives, phrases, questions, places, dates, times, and names. I thought of as many as I could in the 15 minutes I had of self-contemplating. After the time frame ended, I grabbed a black fine-point sharpie and wrote all the words onto the mirror in different fonts and sizes. Now, the concept behind the mirror and the visible words are, as an individual, you know who you are and what makes you you, but those around you do not. They see, what they want to see, in a way, their own reflection is staring right back at them. Even if the words are visible to see.



Monday, March 21, 2016

Do it team pam madsen

Belief system Pam Madsen

This is a commitment Pam Matteson

A moment in time Pam Madison

I can't find my paper but I wrote a list of what I did all day long from the time I got up to the time I went to bed I remember it being very curious I was actually at work that day and it started off to be a bad day but it ended up being a great day

A copy of a copy Pam Madsen

Museum inspired art pam madsen

Self portrait after 15 minutes

On wall I class. Take photo of myself and photo of goat and added the goat with Photoshop coming out of my eye

Walking a line pam madsen

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Museum Inspired Art- Nathan Mortensen

This is inspired by the military section of the old museum. I wanted to draw America's first soldier; the minuteman.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Inspired by the Fairview - Kamilla Earlywine

While spending time in the Fairview Museum I stated to feel very nostalgic. All of the antique items and photographs had me thinking about my own past and my own ancestors. My Grandfather, Robert Kelson was born and raised in Ephraim, and so much of what I saw there reminded me of him. I was blessed to have the opportunity to live in the home he was born in for about 4 years during my childhood. There was an antique barn, and several sheds, with broken down old tractors, and tools. I spent a lot of time exploring the property as a child, making memories with siblings and cousins. My Grandparents chose to sell the old family farm to fund the  building of their dream home in Manti. In January of 2000, when the home was almost complete, my Grandpa was diagnosed with cancer. He passed away at the age of 63 in March of 2000.   
Unfortunately, shortly after the old home was sold, the new owners destroyed it. First they tore out all of the trees and lilac bushes on the property, broke the windows, and we watched as the home slowly deteroraited. Eventually, they had the home, barn and sheds demolished and the rubble hauled away. 
It was difficult for my family to watch the last physical pieces of my Grandfathers life get destroyed. The property is now home to the South Towne Theater and Los Amigos Restaurant.

When I came across this piece in the gallery I thought there was something really charming about it. The nostalgia I was feeling reminded me of an old Kelson Family favorite, the ultimate comfort food, cocoa and toast. I grew up eating this food at my Grandparents house, with very fond memories of family sitting around the table dipping toast into cocoa. The morning after my Grandpa passed away, most of the extended family was at my Grandparents Home in Manti, and we all sat around the table in silence eating our cocoa and toast. It is simultaneously one of my most beautiful and heartbreaking memories. That is how I came to create this photograph simply titled, "Cocoa and Toast". 

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Self Portrait after 15 Minutes - Dalton Johnson

This project was completed in 3 different sessions. First, I went outside of my house in the daylight and limited myself to only 15 minutes of taking pictures of whatever I found around me that was interesting. For the second session, I went back outside after dark and set up a tripod, and again limited myself to 15 minutes to photograph, only this time trying to get an image of myself. Finally, I picked my favorite photos from each session, and allowed myself only 15 minutes to play around with the images and create a final product.