course info

snow college - art 2950

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Self-portrait & Time - Brianna Borst.

Some may say looking at yourself in the mirror for 15 minutes is narcissistic, and in a way that may be true, but I used this time as a way for a self-evaluation. While staring at my reflection, I wrote out all the words I believed to describe myself on a paper - whether they be adjectives, phrases, questions, places, dates, times, and names. I thought of as many as I could in the 15 minutes I had of self-contemplating. After the time frame ended, I grabbed a black fine-point sharpie and wrote all the words onto the mirror in different fonts and sizes. Now, the concept behind the mirror and the visible words are, as an individual, you know who you are and what makes you you, but those around you do not. They see, what they want to see, in a way, their own reflection is staring right back at them. Even if the words are visible to see.



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