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snow college - art 2950

Monday, March 14, 2016

Inspired by the Fairview - Kamilla Earlywine

While spending time in the Fairview Museum I stated to feel very nostalgic. All of the antique items and photographs had me thinking about my own past and my own ancestors. My Grandfather, Robert Kelson was born and raised in Ephraim, and so much of what I saw there reminded me of him. I was blessed to have the opportunity to live in the home he was born in for about 4 years during my childhood. There was an antique barn, and several sheds, with broken down old tractors, and tools. I spent a lot of time exploring the property as a child, making memories with siblings and cousins. My Grandparents chose to sell the old family farm to fund the  building of their dream home in Manti. In January of 2000, when the home was almost complete, my Grandpa was diagnosed with cancer. He passed away at the age of 63 in March of 2000.   
Unfortunately, shortly after the old home was sold, the new owners destroyed it. First they tore out all of the trees and lilac bushes on the property, broke the windows, and we watched as the home slowly deteroraited. Eventually, they had the home, barn and sheds demolished and the rubble hauled away. 
It was difficult for my family to watch the last physical pieces of my Grandfathers life get destroyed. The property is now home to the South Towne Theater and Los Amigos Restaurant.

When I came across this piece in the gallery I thought there was something really charming about it. The nostalgia I was feeling reminded me of an old Kelson Family favorite, the ultimate comfort food, cocoa and toast. I grew up eating this food at my Grandparents house, with very fond memories of family sitting around the table dipping toast into cocoa. The morning after my Grandpa passed away, most of the extended family was at my Grandparents Home in Manti, and we all sat around the table in silence eating our cocoa and toast. It is simultaneously one of my most beautiful and heartbreaking memories. That is how I came to create this photograph simply titled, "Cocoa and Toast". 

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