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snow college - art 2950

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

pam madsen 2nd manifesto

2nd manifesto
Dont be scared to e judged
dont give up, even when things seem so bad
push your self harder
dont be so hard on yourself
protect the animals
be kind to all animals
do what your heart says
take time out of the week for you.
keep adding to your goal even if they change
get that goat farm you always wanted
keep your chin up
try to be more social
stand up for yourself
have confidence

pam madsen 30 day commitment

30 day commitment
I took 5 min out of each day and closed my eyes and listened to what was going on around me. I documented everything in my journal on my phone and dont know how to get it copied over. But the main point was to take time out of my day everyday and wright it down.

Text Image Memory -Isabelle Burge

This is a Commitment - Isabelle Burge

Unfortunately I was not able to find the rest nor make more. 

My commitment was to read a chapter from Fablehaven a day and draw a scene or more from that chapter.  

Personal Gesture Drawing - Isabelle Burge

Walking a Line - Isabelle Burge

Back and Forth

Self Portrait & Time - Isabelle Burge

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Personal Manifesto #2 - Brianna Borst.

What I believe -

Time is valuable. Not to take things for granted. Take good notes. Learn from many. You're allowed to say, "no." Be completely comfortable with the decisions that you make. Experience new adventures and ideas. Love life. Love you. Love others. Be kind. Be yourself. Always forgive. Give people many second chances. We all make mistakes. Take risks. Immerse yourself in happiness. Surround yourself with good individuals. Meet new people. Make new relationships happen. Traveling gives you a new pair of eyes + a bigger heart. Fall in love. Enjoy the scenery. Look up. Sometimes your friends drive you crazy and you just need a break from them, don't fill bad about it. Make stupid mistakes, but learn from them. Relax. Breathe. Do yoga. Meditate. Exercise. Eat well. Drink lots of water. Make connections. Have fun. Make others happy. Be spontaneous. It's okay to be sad sometimes. Know you're never alone. Always ask questions. Take lots of pictures. Write down memories. Talk to people you care about on the phone. Write letters. Spend time with people you like. Sleep is vital. People are the best and the worst. Smile and laugh as much as possible. Sometimes boys are stupid. Sometimes girls are stupid. Some teachers make the difference in your life. Communication is everything. Swim. Surf. Run to clear the mind. Love your religion. Keep the faith. God is good. People are put into your life for a reason. Be inspired. Love love. Hate is a trap. You work hard to get the good grades. Push yourself. Everything will work out in the end. Paint. Draw. Sculpt. Just make art. Wear cool socks. Athletic clothing is the best. Converse are the best shoes. Know that you have potential. Use your talents. Sing. Dance. Kiss. Hug. Live by ocean. Soak in the sun. Go hiking. Enjoy nature. Feel the rain on your face. Make good food. Read. Watch movies. Listen to music. Good vibes are forever needed. Make bonds with special individuals. Only certain people make the best kind of friends. You choose what you become. Culture is amazing. Speak Spanish. You are beautiful. Good conversations are remembered by feeling. Be a dreamer.

Creative Future - Brianna Borst.

How has your brain changed?
In other words, what have I learned in this class?

To love the way others think.
That time can be used as and for the means of art.
To focus on the process of making.
That not everyone likes the same things, and that's okay.
Art is everywhere and in everything.
Teamwork helps progression.
Learning from others = new ideas.
Repetition is good.
Do what you want, not what's common.
Try and try again.
Research art and artists.
Go to museums.
Collaboration is needed.
Expound and write out your thoughts.
Make meaningful art for yourself.
Your art makes a difference to someone.
Always explore the unexpected.
Enjoy the process and the surroundings.
To appreciate everyone's differences.
Discover new projects through others.
Look at things differently.
Not to filter.
You win some, you lose some.
Take a breathier once in a while.
Breaks are good for the brain.
To never give up.
Involve yourself with the beauty around you.

What does it look like five years from now?
Professionally / Personally?

Professionally -
Let's just start off with, I don't know where I want to go career wise, which could either be a good or bad thing. I know I what a degree in art by this time. All I know is, I want to make a difference with my art. I want someone to be touched and changed. All the arts from the past made a movement and had the audience feel and see or define such emotions or ideas or questions. I want to have this kind of impact. I want to see if I could teach and make art in other countries for causes that better the world.

Personally -
By now, I want to be refined in many mediums and continually practicing more techniques. I want to be happy with what I create and if not, don't give up on it. I want to make more time during my weeks to do what I love. I want to share with others. Lastly, I want to do what's best for me, not for others.

 At 50?
Creative life, what it looks at this age? 

Works sold and shared.
Ideas and teachings passed on to loved ones, student, and friends.
Works made in my own art space.
Settled with a family.
Still being able to travel.
Working Artist.

Game Plan?
What goals I need to accomplish?

Graduate from Snow College.
Practice what I was taught in my art classes.
Earn a job.
Save money for materials.
Go to graduate school (USU) and earn a degree.
Research out-of-the-country opportunities.
Not wasting time doing something that doesn't better myself.
Expand my mind limits.
Collaborate with other artists.
Work hard.
Be honest with myself and others.
Make sacrifices.
Fall in love with the art that I create.
To never put myself in a state where I'm unhappy.
And if so, use art as an outlet.
Just do it.
Take action.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Personal Manifesto 2 - Dalton Johnson

  • Create
  • Destroy
  • Recreate
  • Hear
  • See
  • Do
  • Experiment
  • Steal
  • Sleep
  • Practice
  • Repeat
  • Create
  • Fail
  • Think

A Moment in Time - Dalton Johnson

For this assignment, I carried around a piece of paper and a pen in my pocket, and every time I found myself remembering this assignment, I would write down whatever I was doing, along with what time it was.

Personal Gesture Drawing - Dalton Johnson

Personal Manifesto #2- Kamilla Earlywine

Note to Self: 

A Personal Manifesto

You matter.
Be a real person, there are already enough fake people.
Allow people to get to know you.
Learn to appreciate silence & stillness.
Don’t try to fill every moment with sound.
Make a list of people with qualities you want to emulate. Celebrities don’t count.
Try to find things to be happy about, but when you must be sad, don’t pretend to be happy.
If it hurts, you’re learning. Find the lesson.
Have fun, enjoy the process, creating is a luxury.
Make a mess once in a while.
Try new things.
Be active. Move your body.
It’s ok to know what you don’t want, but quit focusing on the things you hate and figure out what you do want and what you do love.
Slow down. Take time to cuddle.
Trust your intuition.
Accept your emotions. Feel them all. Let them come, and when it’s time, let them go.
Be kind.
Tune into the energy around you. Pay attention. It’s telling you more than you think.
Be brave.  
Make the changes you know you need to make. There is no such thing as a good time.
Have faith in God. Trust him.
Respect all forms of life.
Open a window. Sunshine and fresh air make everything better.
Sleep in. Stay up late. Get up early. Take naps. Don’t rely on a schedule too much.
Spend more time listening than talking.
Use your hands creatively. Write, draw, photograph, paint, color, scribble, organize.
Don’t put too much energy into things other people want you to care about.
Learn to say no when you mean it. Learn to say yes when you want to, even when you’re scared. 
Don’t take it out on the kids. Your real problems are not their fault.
It’s ok to be unsure of what you believe or where you’re headed, but if you are sure of something, be fiercely loyal to that part of yourself.
Eat when you’re hungry. Stop when you’re full.
Eat the healthiest foods you have access to. Go ahead and indulge in junk food once in a while, but be sure it's something delicious. 
Stay away from things that are addictive, you don't know what you're made of.  Nobody sets out to be an addict. Life is hard enough, don't take that chance. 
Don’t settle.
Communicate your needs.
Schedule time to be alone, enjoy your own company.
Be the kind of person you enjoy being around. You attract what you are. 
Turn it off and go go outside.
Listen to your own thoughts, needs, fears, goals, ideas, etc. they are valid, you are smarter than you think. 
Do not give priority to your phone over people who are actually present. 
Be brave enough to tell the truth and brave enough to hear the truth from others. 
Create the life you want, don't wait for someone to hand it to you. 
Writing is good therapy, it can help you figure things out. 
Pick your battles, save your energy for the things that really matter.   
Once you realize your behavior is wrong, you owe it to yourself & everyone you love to change. Do whatever it takes. 
Don't let people make decisions for you.
Set some boundaries & don't allow anyone to talk you out of them. 
Whatever you decide to do, do the best you can. 
Listen to your heart, take risks. 
If your gut tells you not to do something, listen to it no matter how many people are telling you otherwise. 
Try to have some fun. 
Don't let fear control your life. 
Keep things and memories that make you happy. Write them down, tuck them away. Get them out as often as needed. 
Allow yourself to be changed. 
“Confront the dark parts of yourself and work to banish them with illumination and forgiveness. Your willingness to wrestle your inner demons will cause your angels to sing.” – August Wilson

This Is A Commitment - Brianna Borst.

My commitment is to write daily for 30 days - whether it be in a journal, on the pages of a sketchbook / planner / booklet, or a letter to a friend. A journal to write out my personal experiences. So I'll choose little excerpts from each day I write in my journal to post on this blog. Then, a sketchbook or a planner or little booklet to write down my thoughts of wonderment and things I find interesting. And lastly, I'll write letters to friends that are around the states and country.

Day 1: Writings for the day - thoughts, ideas, quotes, and books to read.
  •  "The truth is I love being alive. And I love feeling free. So if I can't have those things then I feel like a caged animal and I'd rather not be in a cage. I'd rather be dead. And it's real simple. And I think it's not that uncommon." - Angelina Jolie 
  • It is what it is.
  • The letter q, influence an artwork.
  •  The Black Cat by Edgar Allen Poe
  •  It's funny, communication is one of the easiest things for us humans, but also the most hardest. Which is really stupid. 
  • "If the love doesn't feel like the 90's R&B I don't want it."
  • The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain

Day 2: Letter to Savannah.

Day 3: Letter to my Aunt Leslie.

Day 4: Quotes and thoughts.
  •  "And what is perfection anyway? I think it's more important to seek the truth than try and be perfect, to be honest." - Douglas Booth (Romeo, from Romeo and Juliet)
  • It's funny how people say, "Don't judge a book by its cover." Even though they totally do! Or at least an impression is made. I say make the impression, just be sure to read the pages in the book to see if you were right or wrong about your judgement.
  • Video Idea - up, trees, wind, full bloom.
  •  Snowflake Christmas cards.
  • Wear more hats, buy more crazy cool socks.
  • Buy a watercolor journal for the summer.
  • Passion / love influenced art - brainstorm. 
  • I'm going to be real with you. I'm going to be real with everyone. I'm not a liar, I'm not going to say something I don't mean. I'm going to be my true self.

Day 5: Journal writings.

My Grandmother and I use to write back and forth when I was little. She would send me cute store bought birthday cards every year, each onewishing me the best on my new endeavors. I should’ve written more.

Day 6: Thoughts and books.
  • White High-Top Converse.
  • Ask Amy about a good "beginner" camera. 
  •  Emjambment - French word, meaning crossed.
  • Brian Doyle.
  • The Deep -  Jackson Polluck.
  • Andy Goldsworthy.
  • Re-read The Five People You Meet in Heaven and The Catcher in the Rye.
  • It's all about asking the right questions.
  • Five years
    Each color symbolizing a new year.
    Each color overlapping the other.
    Each individual one meets when on their own personal walk layers them with connections, emotions, and memories.
    May the connections in the form of lines forever be walked upon.

Day 7: Letter to Marta.

Day 8: Letter to Lexi.

Day 9: Journal writings.

Why is it, that us, as individuals, have the need to change someone else. Or maybe, I’m the only one that gets this feeling, but I don’t believe that’s the case. I have learned that, we can only do so much for someone else. We can put our heart and soul into caring for that person, but they have to willing to make the decision to change and put in the effort themselves. But never give up on them, there’s always hope. Or at least there should be.

Day 10: Journal writings.

Stupid. I shouldn’t like this kid anymore, but I still do.

Day 11: Letter to Bailey.

Day 12: Journal writings.

I’ve noticed this so much more in college. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve always known that people are different and the way that they are raised, shapes an individual, but seriously you just wonder what their parents taught them sometimes! Especially, when they’re are acting like idiots!

Day 13: Letter to Kaitlyn. 

Day 14: Songs, places, thoughts, and books.
  • Go Go Chaos by Bonjah.
  • We need the light of the Son to see.
  • The Grand Cafe in Oxford England.
  • Read The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway.
  • Animal Collective - Banshee.
  • Tait Modern.
  •  Go Greece.

Day 15: Journal writings.

Uhhh, I don’t know what I did wrong, but karma just loves my company. 

Day 16: Letter to Leela.

Day 17: Thoughts, quotes, and scriptures.
  • The concept of letting go, but holding on.
  •  "I see for therefore I paint." - Carl Purcell
  •  "Art is born out of necessity."
  • "Drawing is the discipline of rediscovering the world." 
  •  Sky & body art idea.
  • John 17:3 - knowledge, joy, and happiness.
  •  Blue zones, healthiest places to live in the world.
  • D&C 88:33
    - the gift, the giver.
  • You have time.
    - don't waste it, use it wisely.
    - the train is leaving, you need to be on it.
  • Because the church is true I will...
    - marry in the temple.
    - get to know the right person.
    - take the sacrament worthily.
    - repent when I have done wrong.
    - be positive when I go through struggles.
    - pray more.

Day 18: Letter to Audrey.

Day 19: Letter to Mataia.

Day 20: Journal writings.

I really hope I know what I’m doing, with school, with art, and with relationships (family, friends, etc.)

Day 21: Journal writings.

Yep! Timing is not my strong suit. I always seem to be late to everything - classes, work, church! In elementary they for sure could’ve honored me with being the “Queen for Most Tardies!” Still got perfect attendance though! But my timing with people is the worst. It will seem like the right person, but the wrong time. But maybe, I’m just being foolish.

Day 22: Journal writings.

He’s different. Or so I hope.

Day 23: Journal writings.

I am so lucky to have the best roommates in the world this school year (my sophomore year). Today, we drove down to Palisades Lake and jumped into the freezing cold water! Ohh, did I mention it was at midnight! Then, building forts are cool! Making fried chicken at 1 in the morning is even cooler. And staying up late with good friends is the coolest.

Day 24: Journal writings.

It’s official, I’m raising my kids (when I have kids) in a different country! Utah is weird about things.

Day 25: Letter to John.

Day 26: Quotes written out during the day and some thoughts.
  • Together we will inspire.
    Together we choose to serve.
    Together we generate positive TEAM WORK!
    Makes the DREAM WORK!
  • The Talking Fly - YouTube it!
  • "We want most of all to enrich man's spirit. That is the purpose..."
  • "Oh that magic feeling, nowhere to go." - The Beatles
  • Good vibes from good music + people. 

Day 27: Drafts in progress on personal blog (for the summer) -

Day 28: Journal writings.

You wanna be a doctor, okay here’s the exact steps on becoming just that! You wanna be a lawyer, here’s the tests you need to take! You wanna be a artist, yeahh you need need to figure that out on your own.

Day 29: Letter to my Mom.

Day 30: Letter to Rachel.