course info

snow college - art 2950

Monday, April 29, 2019

Pop up show - Aj Roberts - fractured self portrait

Did some small mixed media drawings of stuff the represents myself, items manly along with a few body parts.

Do It (Out of Class) 7 minutes- Emily Brown

(the video that includes me is in Anthony Ryder's post)

I was wildly uncomfortable with the assignment. I could not have done it alone. I have never been good at singing, and I haven't sung in a public setting, where strangers could potentially hear, in years. I can't hold a note, or match pitch, despite years of singing lessons. Some thoughts I had during the 7 minutes included:

  • Am I even close to my note?
  • Is anyone on a note?
  • Is it only Eliza who is hitting her note?
  • Why is this taking so long?
  • How has it only been 2 minutes?
  • Seven minutes is a fucking long time
  • Eliza has to be close to twerking
  • Anthony has to be sick of "heart and soul" 
  • Why doesn't he switch songs?
  • This is it- this is how I'm going to die, these seven minutes will stretch out into oblivion, everything will fade away from around me, and I will reabsorb into the ether as an uncomfortable mass who can't sing for shit, the heat beating through these windows will consume us as we try to stay on a note, and I will die embarrassed and embarrassing and
  • It's been seven minutes? Thank god

Pop-Up Show- Emily Brown

Things We Teach Our Girls, or The Bubblegum Bitch Manifesto

The Things We Teach Our Girls, or the Bubblegum Bitch Manifesto ______________________________________________________________________________
A wise woman of our time, Marina and the Diamonds™️ once said 
“Hit me with your sweet love, Steal me with a kiss.
 I’m Miss Sugar Pink, liquor liquor lips 
I’m gonna be your bubblegum bitch.”

•From the day she is born, we teach her that she is made of sugar and spice and everything nice so she will never remember a time when her main purpose was not to be as consumable as possible.
• We teach her that she is of value, only because of her relation to her father, her husband, her god, her children, but never for existing in her own right.
• We teach her to hold back tears of frustration from the time she can understand words.
•We tell her that she is not the default, and that the things made for her come with caveats- chick flicks, chick-lit, girl pockets that are fake and necessitate a girl’s purse.
• We pump her full of saccharine bullshit like “why fit in when you were born to stand out?” and then call her an attention whore the moment she finds a niche.
• We teach our girls that any change she tries to enact will only be a desperate, high-pitched screech into the void, while withholding the fact that that void is full of other girls just like her, each wishing she wasn’t so alone.
• We teach her that being conventional makes her basic, that liking anything else makes her a manic pixie dream girl, and that both are her fault.
•We preach the happily ever after, without warning her that it might include hiding money in envelopes so she could leave her husband if she needed to. That she might breastfeed her sixth child while crying against the side of the bathtub, while babies 4 and 5 scream for her attention. That her reality will become making dinner every day for the rest of her husband’s life. That she might have to force a smile and say “It is what it is” after her husband of 35 years is caught cheating with the fourth person and second man in under two years. That she might have a mental break and go on to have kids that she will admit were only so she would have enough pregnancies under her belt to have her insurance pay for a hysterectomy. Or that her husband might forbid her from playing the piano in her own home because he doesn’t like the way it sounds when she does something for herself, or that she might spend the rest of her life having to ape content with silent, self-administered orgasms after her husband rolls over and goes to sleep.
• We teach her to swallow. To swallow his cum, her words, her pride, the lump in her throat, herself- so as to avoid being labeled a bitch.
•We teach her that her body is a temple, but never that she might be worthy of worship.
•We tell her that her personality is something she needs to grow out of.
• We show her that a self-respecting woman keeps an aspirin between her knees and and a Xanax in her purse.
•We teach her to begin and end her sentences with an apology. But we tell her to speak up, to steady her voice and her hands and her knees and that she’d better not cry or she will never be taken seriously.
•We teach her that women brought forth the fall of man, but also the birth of Christ, but then tell her the dichotomy between virgin and whore is an oversimplification and she really shouldn’t be so sensitive.
•We tell her to shrink, to not take up space, to hush and that she’s beautiful when she cries and then act surprised when she swallows pills and slits her wrists in an effort to either appeal to the masses or opt out entirely.
• We tell her to stop crying, to veil her face, to bow her head and say yes.
• We teach our girls that because some man already did it decades before she was born, that her attempt will be unoriginal, trite, and that she shouldn’t even try.
So I am for an art.
I am for an art that is a baby girl’s first wobbly step into the world we did not prepare her for.
I am for an art that is angry, cliché, ham-fisted, off-key, stubborn, self-centered, clumsy, glittery, garish, and god forbid, girly.
I am for an art from a Bubblegum Bitch.

Pop-Up Show - Jamyn Scarlet

Meat on My Bones

Someone get this girl a sandwich
You look like a twig
You must never eat anything
You are all skin and bones
There isn’t anything to you
You aught to get some meat on those bones

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Pop Up Show- Nakita Shelley

Sew my clothing on my body to any point surrounding me.
You speak to me I’ll listen.
Think about what you did.

Pop Up Show - Kiersten Rakisits

Video and audio of things that cause/add to my stress and anxiety every day.  Chewing loudly, lip smacking, popping gum in a classroom when someone is talking/it's quiet, and chewing with their mouth open.  Objects too close to the edge.  People not cleaning up after themselves in shared and public spaces.

Friday, April 26, 2019

Pop Up Show - Makena Willis

Do It out of class - Makena Willis

1. Remember someone that you care about and/or love deeply.
2. Tell them how you feel in a different way.

This can be through poetry, song, or a letter so long as you're the one reading (telling) them.

I chose to recite a poem to my deceased grandfather where we laid him to rest. It's too personal for me to share anything else.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Pop Up Show- Anthony Ryder

Creative Environment, I decided to create a small physical representation of an ideal creative environment using teen age nostalgic of car rides, socializing, and music. With a group of artists in the same environment, we socialized, we laughed, we listened, we connected in this creative environment.

Pop Up Show - Janiyen Al-Abdullah

I decided to do a self portrait of myself but instead of taking a picture I wanted to lay out objects that are dear to me. To show people what I find important in my life, and not all the objects I wanted to share could fit in my outline, and can even be a conversation starter.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Nakita Shelley

Do it out of class- Nakita Shelley

Instructions: Choose a corner in your living space you go to often.
Take the objects from that space and make them into an unorderly pathway from the entrance of the room to the corner.
Walk the path barefoot and invite others to do so as well.
Organize the objects into a more orderly pathway and walk again.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Do It - Ryan Simmons

Create a communal space for emotional interaction.


Do It- Emily Brown

Be a little selfish and make some progress on that personal project that has been weighing on your mind. Remember that progress is progress, no matter how small, and that you exist for yourself.

Do It (In Class) - Ryan Simmons & Jamyn Scarlet

Chan, Paul
Instructions (2005)
When you meet someone new tell them the following:
"Our modern age is characterized by a sadness which calls for a new prophet.
Not the prophets of old who reminded people that they were going to die, but someone who will remind them that they are not dead yet."
Do not be embarrassed.
Do not be afraid.

Do It Out of class- Janiyen Al-Abdullah

For me the this Do It project seem more of getting out and do somethingthat can make a difference  for the world. So I collected Tracy bags this weekend and took them to get disposed of properly.

Student Show Submission - Jamyn Scarlet

Worth of Domesticity 

AJ Roberts - Just Do It - Out of Class

1. Go for a walk, nowhere specific, just roam. Only bring something(s) to write and draw with (Different colors if possible) and some sort of paper with you (ie: Sketchbook, notebook, etc.)
2. As you walk observe your surroundings, quickly sketching out the outline of the path you see it, still walking.
3. Continue sketching this path till you have walked far enough or made a decision that has changed the path ahead. Before starting and sketching the nex path, quickly sum up the previous path in a few words or points, and in one word describe the overall feel of the path you just walked, was it tiring? Relaxing? As well as Draw arrows to show what way you went and what possible paths could be made from that one. (Turns, splits, etc)
4. Once you feel you have walked far enough, number each different path you encountered and sketched.
5. Then finally, mentally retrace your steps by drawing footprints along the drawn path (Different color preferred)

Do It (Out of Class) - Jamyn Scarlet

Instructions: Write me a sentence of truth.


The more I am educated, the less I fear.

I am.

Do your own thing.

You are loved.

You can't compare others when no two individuals hold an equal value-system.

You do not have to work hard for people to love you.

Asking someone to share a traumatic story or experience unwillingly doesn't mean they dislike you; it just means you're an asshole.

Even if I am weak, I can still be kind; for true power is in giving instead of taking.

Don't be like Mormons and contradict your own beliefs.

Everything is real.

Christopher Woodward-Do It

Acquire a garbage bag.

Go to a outdoors area.

Collect all garbage you come across, until the bag is full.

Take an image of each piece of garbage in its location.

Obtain paper.

Create a mark on the paper using each piece of garbage.

Dispose of the garbage properly.

Recall the wait of all of the garbage, consider it's impact.

Repeat often.

Do it out of class - Kiersten Rakisits

To me "do it" sounds like instructions or a to do list.  I write a lot of to do lists for myself on a weekly sometimes daily basis.  I write most of them on sticky notes, which I carry with me most days.  I have been keeping all my sticky notes/to do lists for several weeks.  I organized my to do lists on a board in order of most written notes on it to least written notes.  

Do it 7 minutes(out of class) Noble Kelsch

Set of instructions

Think of someone that you severely dislike, or hate.
List ten things you liked about them, or abilities that they had in seven minutes.
Then list why you severely disliked or hated this person and what they did that made you feel that way towards them.

1. Funny
2. Easy to get along with
3. Chameleon like ability to blend in with whatever crowd he was with
4. Tried to be nice all the time
5. Got his kids away from a neglectful mom
6. Was fun to watch movies or tv with most of the time
7. His ability to seem weak and unassuming and make people pity him enough to help him
8. Optimistic
9. Good conversationalist
10. Impressive array or insults or comebacks

This individual ended up being a sexual predator that fingered one of my sisters, and did something to another sister that she can't talk about. Then he drove two underage girls around in his car and gave them enough alcohol to get them drunk and felt them up and kissed them and attempted to go further but they refused. One of them only kissed him because she was less drunk and didn't want the other girl to suffer him going further while she was under the influence. Then she puked from the experience which prompted him to take them home. That's just what I know about him.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Monday, April 8, 2019

Do It - Kiersten Rakisits

I don't sing, I don't like singing, and I don't like drawing attention to myself.  Was not looking forward to this, I put it off.  I chose a somewhat noisy public space with little traffic to avoid unwanted attention.

Do IT - Christopher Woodward/Ryan Simmons


Christopher Woodward :


I had a hard time relating this to an artwork however it was a positive experience

Ryan Simmons:

Definantly a new experience. I thought it was weird and odd for a performance or instruction artwork but after time and thinking of Marina Abramovic's "Word of Mouth" performance I became more interested. While at first it was ridiculous, now it is more interesting. I wonder what else I have simply brushed off and could be brimming with potential.

Singing assignment noble kelsch

I did not enjoy this assignment. I think it shows in the video. I detest singing, especially in public I don't even sing in the shower. So this assignment had all of my 'I'm not happy about this' criteria. I did it with the lowest note I could and hummed to minimize that and in a place that's public but rarely visited. Basically I did this for the grade.

In Chorus - Jamyn Scarlet

Out of Class Gesture- Janiyen Al-Abdullah

As my out of class gesture I picked something that I tend to do when I’m bored and need to occupy my mind, and that is writing out the lyrics of songs that are running through my head. Ive noticed that most of my class notes have random lyrics written out on the paper of whatever song that was going through my mind that day.

In Class Gesture- Janiyen Al-Abdullah

Monday, April 1, 2019

Self portrait after 15 minutes - Aj Roberts

Self Portrait after 15 minutes - Ryan Simmons

Portraits after 25 minutes of running. Based off skin tones.

Student Show Submission- Nakita Shelley

Self Portrait After 15 mins- Nakita Shelley

This is a self portait I did after looking at my profile in the mirror for 15 mins an image I wasnt used to and then painting it from memory.

Self Portrait after 15 minutes - Kiersten Rakisits

Each image is a photo taken right after, right before, or during an event that was impactful, important event that holds some significance to me.

0332- tranquil

5070- instant regret

7129- one year left

2984- travel, adventure, and art

6721- it’s been a long year

Show Submission - Kiersten Rakisits

Rakisits Hierarchy of Needs

Self portrait after 10 minutes _ christopher Woodward