course info

snow college - art 2950

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Manifesto - AJ Roberts

Manifesto - A.J. Roberts

  1. Do for you. (Doing what you must is important, but don't forget who you are truly doing it for.)
  2. Get your thumb out of your ass! (You won't get anywhere just sitting there, you don't become good in a day. It takes time and effort to get there.)
  3. Define what “ART” is for you. (Find your own art, not everyone has the same tastes, likes or dislikes.)
  4. Draw! Draw! Draw! X 1,000,000 (Practice makes perfect, and art is all about putting your nose to the grindstone, build yourself.)
  5. Get sloppy, loosen up. (Don’t worry yourself over being flawless, sometimes the blemishes are what make it truly beautiful.)
  6. Find Joy/The best in the worst. (Not every day is going to be perfect, not every work will be great, however when it comes down to it, what did you feel when you created it, was it fun to do? If not find a way to make it so in the future.)
  7. Break, stretch, crush, n’ skew/If you know it you can break it. (It can be fun and or liberating to experiment, find new ways to change the old.)
  8. Find time for you, do art for you. (There are moments where you are overwhelmed, where you have so much to do, or feel you have some obligation to do such. Don’t let it kill your passion, find those small windows to do what you want to do, don't do them because you're expected to, do it because you wanted to do it.)
  9. @#$%*! Motivation (Don't depend on that spark to create art, get out of your comfort zone. Find alternatives.)
  10. Do what feels good, and do what does not. (Sometimes to get to the things you like you have to first drag yourself through the things you hate.)
  11. When push comes to shove, take the fall and get right back up. (Sometimes taking the fall can be beneficial to you, retrospect is 20/20, just make sure you get back up.)
  12. Don’t feel ashamed, feel aroused <3 (Do what is enjoyable for you; you cannot please everyone.)
  13. Scream!!!
  14. Only you can change you. (Whatever you decide to do, make sure that you, yourself are the one to make the decision.)
  15. Study. (It isn't always fun, however essential, repeat yourself and keep your skills and practice sharp.)
  16. Strive for fun, not greatness, the other is a bonus. (Focus on what makes your work fun for you, not only concern yourself with being amazing, put that on the back burner and what happens will happen.)
  17. Build bridges. (Find new people, share your love for what you do, and always be willing to let ones in.)
  18. Expose yourself. (Get out there, share yourself, don't be afraid of rejection, you might be surprised by the result.)
  19. Be willing to change. (It can be fun to have a change of pace, you might even end up enjoying it more then you thought you would.)
  20. You don’t need the best tools to make the best work, (Find whatever works for you, you don't need the best pencils, brushes, software, etc. Different strokes for different folks.)

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