course info

snow college - art 2950

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Personal Resource List- Anthony Ryder

Personal resource list going to keep adding
skill set, 
my communities like my family,
 really like my face,
 Native American, 
from New York,
 work in multiple mediums, 
right handed, 
a lot of technology,
 a small apartment,
 books of knowledge, 
my wife is a photographer, 
I have a lawyer as a father in law, 
can dance, 
ride a bike,
 have a cheap car, 
have a best friend, 
I think in shapes,
 I taste color, 
have a collection of socks, 
have multiple shoes, 
insurance mother, 
absent fathers, 
been in the ocean, 
went to a different country,
 I’m a good talker,
have a lot of energy, 
hard working, 
good hustler
(can get what I want by working hard, extremely dedicated, learning disability, 
good with tools, 
have multiple different ethic family members, 
have a lot of band shirts, 
free to express myself, 
willing to change circumstances, 
have a hoodie, 
have a really good support system, 
have a really good brainstormer,
 have an iPhone, 
access to Apple Music,
cheap prints at school, 
father figures such as Adam and mr. jones, 
I can trade with art, 
art clients, 
good at building my network,
 know curators in Utah,
 have musician family members, 
have intellectuals in my family, 
different backgrounds in my family but form a similar result, 
I can draw real well, 
I have a nature knack at composition in photography,
 willing to try different mediums and accept failure, 
have keys to all the studios including passwords to computers, 
homemade paper, 
multiple religious backgrounds,
homemade paper,
 family photo albums, 
family musicians, 
musical training, 
makes friends easily, 
has good coworkers, 
know curators outside of Utah,

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