course info

snow college - art 2950

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Authentic Self - Kiersten Rakisits

My personal hierarchy of needs as my authentic self.

Self-actualization: motivation, artwork, personal art, chance to prove others and self wrong

Esteem: critiques, support, recognition for certain accomplishments, agency/freedom, respect/personal space

Love and belonging: people to learn from (failures and successes), other artists, friends, family, peers, hugs, naps, adventures, hikes, swim, hometown, community, animals

Safety: books/library, internet access, good lighting, creative space, privacy/personal space, comfort zone, camera, adobe, paint, brushes, sharpies, pens/pencils, collection of art/images, printer, my grandparents, my aunts, music/headphones, curiosity-questions and answers, influences, ability to look at different points of view/angles, ability to know and admit when wrong, chances to try new things/food/places/people, trust

Physiological: shelter, water, food - tea, apples, lasagna, tacos, orange chicken, curry, steak, ribs, biscuits, pears, beef jerky, coffee, milk, juice, water, bread, oatmeal, custard, watermelon, spaghetti squash, mashed potatoes, pie, curly fries, horchata, cinnamon rolls, orange rolls raspberries, strawberries, bananas, tamales, rice, carrots, pomegranate, sleep, transportation/travel, clean kitchen/space

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