course info

snow college - art 2950

Monday, March 22, 2021

This is a Commitment - Emilee Thomas

    The commitment I chose was to connect with others each day.  To many people, this may be a simple task, but my whole life I have suffered from severe anxiety and depression, causing simple tasks -especially socializing- to feel almost impossible at times.  I wanted to strive to overcome these challenges in a non-threatening way, while also expanding my social circle or growing closer to those who are already a part of my life.  I believe this will help me in the future as I pursue an art career to make and keep connections and build a successful network. 

Feb. 20 (Day 1): Helped Kendra frost and decorate cupcakes; asked Ben about his paper and life; asked Aubree how she was doing; played Just Dance with roommates despite being exhausted.

Feb. 21 (Day 2): Helped cook soup for roommates and their friends. Asked Kendra what was wrong and listened.

Feb. 22 (Day 3): Listened to a friend's concerns and directed her to the Wellness Center.

Feb. 23 (Day 4): Had a conversation with my dad and asked more about his life, despite our past and the pain I still harbor. Helped a friend get to class.

Feb. 24 (Day 5): Listened to Kendra and asked her questions. Asked a classmate questions about his life and things that are important to him. Let Kendra serve me.

Feb. 25 (Day 6): Listened to Kendra and Peyt as they shared difficult circumstances.

Feb. 26 (Day 7):  Talked to the dental assistant at my appointment: Joslyn - family (2 kids and a husband), life, etc. Helped my mom watch my cousin Hannah - supported, laughed, spent time together.

Feb. 27 (Day 8): Denise's Birthday - contacted her and Kim, went to lunch with them and Mary.  Focused on their lives and needs. 

Feb. 28 (Day 9): spending quality time with my mom instead of just hanging out in my room or napping.

Mar. 1 (Day 10):  time with mom, talked to a guy at work/coworkers about their lives.

Mar. 2 (Day 11):  Talked with a professor about life and certain struggles that were causing me to not do well in the class in order to ask for help, despite my feelings of shame and embarrassment.  

Mar. 3 (Day 12):  great session at work, helped a student to understand and grow in writing skills

Mar. 4 (Day 13):  phone call with Thomas, asked deeper questions, spent time with Felicity

Mar. 5 (Day 14):  Asked a roommate I'm not close to about her doctor's appointment

Mar. 6 (Day 15):  Spent time with my niece Sophia, mom, and Klaus, even though I felt overwhelmed and exhausted.  

Mar. 7 (Day 16):  Went to my great-grandmother's gravesite with mom and grandma. Cleaned the headstone, listened to their stories of her, and took pictures of all of us by the grave.

Mar. 8 (Day 17):  Went with a friend to Farmington Station, watched a movie later, talked about her life and goals, etc.

Mar. 9 (Day 18):  Called my dad on the phone and checked up on him. Set up lunch with him.

Mar. 10 (Day 19):  Went on a date, even though I was scared.  Went to lunch and on a drive with my dad.

Mar. 11 (Day 20): Online date with Thomas, Sophia (play, lava lamp, Nicklemania), spent time and talked with/listened to Kye, dinner with grandma and mom.

Mar. 12 (Day 21): Costa Vida with Raegan.

Mar. 13 (Day 22): Asked roommate I'm not close to about her trip to California.

Mar. 14 (Day 23): Talked with a roommate I'm not close to, spent time with a past roommate.

Mar. 15 (Day 24): sincerely thanked my professor who has been supportive of my situation and encouraging of my art; gave strawberries away to Elders.

Mar. 16 (Day 25): Played Just Dance and laughed with my roomies.

Mar. 17 (Day 26): Had lunch with my mom who drove down to see me. 

Mar. 18 (Day 27): Connected with classmates.

Mar. 19 (Day 28): Cleaned the house with my roomies and spent quality time with them. 

Mar. 20 (Day 29): Went on another date and asked more in-depth questions to get to know him. 

Mar. 21 (Day 30): Went with my roommates to prank our neighbors (out of my comfort zone).  Talked on the phone with Jim.

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