course info

snow college - art 2950

Monday, January 11, 2016

Resources - Brianna Borst.

friends. family. loving + supporting parents. job. my style + closest. my thoughts. others' thoughts. a collection of glass shoes. my talents. a voice to speak + sing. legs to walk + run. hands to write. arms to hold. fingers to feel. a brain to think. a heart to love. my book collection. ipod. cd's. music. lyrics. memory. movies. netflix. spotify. pandora. facebook. wifi. sports. a sense of adventure + imagination. sight. sound. smell. touch. taste. nature + the outdoors. digital camera. paper. envelopes. folders. sharpies. pencils. charcoal. erasers. arcylic + oil paints. paint brushes. a collection of clothing tags. shoes. contacts in phone. knowledge. hope. a dream catcher. internet. clothes' hangers. backpacks. wallets. floral decorations. night owl ability. flexibility. endurance. excess to art studios. jewelry. cooper wire. watercolors. memories. sea shells. rocks. glow-in-the-dark stars. teachers. notebooks. a library. drawing board. ruler. television. cable. two couches. a large bean bag (a.k.a. the poof). hot tub. cell phone. kitchen. textbooks. gym. exercise equipment. soccer ball. in-door soccer shoes. magazine cut-outs. belts. headbands. cd + radio + tape player. inspirations. education. art students. butterfly collection. shoe boxes. mix cd playlists. cd covers. blank cd's. color pencils. laptop. laptop charger. photos. perfume. wooden frames. towels. canvases. blankets. pillows. sleeping bag. sunglasses. phone + camera charger. hdmi cord. plates. cups. mugs. bowls. utensils. food. toothbrush. walmart. kent's. shampoo + conditioner. dove soap. nivea lotion. containers. treasure chest. heart break. experiences. space...

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