course info

snow college - art 2950

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Set of Directions - Kamilla Earlywine


1-Read at least one paragraph from the SAL Book.
2-Choose one word from the reading that holds the most meaning to me.
3- Highlight that word.
4-Meditate about the reading and the significance of that word in my life. Take note of any profound thoughts or connections.
5-Write the word on  a paper and hang it on my mirror.

At the end of the seven days, take a photograph of my mirror with all of the words and post to the blog.


Day 1: Freedom- Like an animal trapped in a cage, and then the door is opened. Open. Be open, be free.
Day 2: Care- Something that is not forgotten about. Ensure safety. Trust.
Day 3: Sinking- Low, hopeless, like quicksand. Stuck. Not free, not open.
Day 4: Force- Fear, unhappy. No control, sinking, hopeless, dark, scary.
Day 5: Surrender- Peace, acceptance, relax, calm, happiness, freedom. Quit struggling.
Day 6: Allow- Change, open, freedom. Be open to change, receive freedom.
Day 7: Control- restrict, harsh, stressful, struggle, useless, unhappy. Quit controlling.

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