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snow college - art 2950

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Personal Manifesto - Jackson Jenkins

In the context of songwriting

Do not create in a negative environment
Often times the place where the studio equipment is set up, can have a very negative vibe because of irrelevant variables, wait until whatever problem is taken care of, and then try go ahead and experiment once the vibe is good. Otherwise whatever you make is probably going to sound forced.

Eliminate Possible Distractions
Turn phone on airplane mode or silent, don't let anything interrupt your process. Prep beforehand by making sure you are physically comfortable by eating, getting warm etc.

Use many references
Their are plenty of great songs out their to get ideas from, be receptive to those great songs and let them give you ideas. It doesn't just have to be music for inspiration, you can get ideas from really dope movie scenes, or art pieces.

Take breaks
It is important not to overload yourself and to keep your mind fresh, otherwise a project can sound forced. You can prevent this by taking short breaks or switching to a different project.

In the context of improvising

Be Intentional with everything you play
If you play something with 100% intention, even if it is out of key, It probably will is going to sound find and know one will notice, because the atmosphere you create when being intentional is going to come across to the audience. 

Be prepared
It's hard to sound good on a tune you aren't completely familiar with!!

Every single jazz great in existence spent a great deal of time imitating other great improvisers. It helps you grow. 

Don't vibe other players
Improvising is already terrifying, don't make it worse for other people by judging them or being a jerk, help them grow.

Don't let yourself fall into the rut of playing the same thing over and over again. It isn't important to try knew things in order to help yourself grow. 

Groove before notes
Right notes aren't going to sound good if the feel or style is wrong. Stolen from legendary bassist Victor Wooten. 

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