course info

snow college - art 2950

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Walking A Line - Brianna Borst.

When given the freedom to choose where to walk for 31 minutes, my first thoughts were "to get away." I chose to walk South, away from the Snow College campus, as if I was headed toward Manti and beyond. Going through this experience reminded me of when I would sit at the elementary near my house in Cedar. It's one of my favorite places. This spot over sees the I-15. I would spend most of my days there in the summer watching the sun go down. As cars would continuously pass by in the distance, I would think of how desperately I wanted to be in one of those cars headed toward my home - California. But every time, I would remind myself that that wasn't logical, that my place was where I was, even if I dreamed of "getting away" and going back. So that's what this walk felt like to me, I wanted to get away, but knew I would have to return to where I needed to be. I collected pieces of nature along the way to create an infinity sign to symbolize my journey of wanting to leave and knowing I would have to return, a consist, on-going cycle I go through. Each item represents something important to me.

the rocks - a strong foundation - place of birth
tree branches - hands reaching out, but also letting go
wood chips - collecting memories along the way
leaves - beauty preserved from the past

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