course info

snow college - art 2950

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Personal Manifesto- Brandee Watters

1. Be kind. The road of life is one we need not go alone. Being callous and cold only increases our loneliness.2. Take time to show people your vulnerabilities. The only way you can know yourself is by sharing the most intimate parts of yourself with others.
3. Dance in the  rain. And in the street. And while waiting in line. And when alone. And while in a crowd.
4. Go full out. Full-ahead. Life is just filled with moments and opportunities. If we miss out we may always wonder what was truly waiting for us.
5. Ask why.
6. Schedule wandering into your life. Take time to aimlessly walk or drive. You never no what you will find, though it is usually parts of your own being strewn across the everyday scenery you pass by in a rush everyday. 5. Above all, value your freedom. You right to choose to wander or rush, to be kind or tough, to dance or not, is a precious choice. 

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