course info

snow college - art 2950

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Genesis instructions


Creating a Musical Design

Step 1. Find a partner and pick a song you both like.

Step 2. Only read the next step, listen to the song once, then do the next step.

Step 3. Create a set of rules for when you draw while listening. Some examples are long lines at long notes, multiple notes do swirls, lyrics do stars ect.

Step 4. Listen to the song one more time and draw to it using the rules the two of you set up.

Step 5. Compare the pieces you have created to the same song and notice how despite having the same song and rules you both created different pieces.

The judge

Something wicked

Instructions: Joshua Fielding

 Instructions: Joshua Fielding

#1. Get a piece of paper

#2. Look up an origami tutorial. (Any project will do.)

#3. Execute one project and write a letter or number on the project. 

#4. Repeat steps 1-3 until you have two sets of the Alphabet and two sets of numbers 0-10.

#5. Arrange in any manner you see fit. (Does not have to be linear or structural in anyway.)

Monday, February 20, 2023

Instructions - Paige Ison


Create a pattern using 3 different marks. Continue this pattern repeatedly in a diagonal line until the page is filled.

Friday, February 3, 2023

Creative Environment - Paige Ison

I chose a desert to represent my creative environment. I chose a desert because I love visiting it and two, because I think I thrive in bigger spaces. The figure standing on the archway represents me and the archway represents risk. To reach new ideas and to push my limits I have to cross that arch way even though it may look unstable. I think the desert may also represent adapting to circumstance. There aren’t a lot of resources available in the desert and sometimes there isn’t a lot available creatively so learning to use what it is that I do have is very important.


Creative Enviroments - Paige, Josh, and Nicole