course info

snow college - art 2950

Monday, April 22, 2024

Creative Future- Liz Cheshire

 Creative Future

Money: food security, health security, being able to have the necessities plus more for fun.

Actions to take: 

  • Save a portion of my paychecks to my savings account
  • Create a strict budget and stick to it

Career/Job: Studio Artist and middle school or high school art teacher.

Actions to take:

  • Create a solid website for my works
  • Be more active on social medias and learn how to market my work
  • Get my teaching license 

Community/Peers: Online art community through social media as well as local artist friends in the state that I am living in. 

Actions to take:

  • Interact with the artists I admire/ am interested with on social media
  • Apply to more art shows in the state to meet more people

Place/ Live: I would be happy anywhere I go as long as I am with my future wife. My top locations would be Maryland, Maine, Massachusetts, The Carolinas, or California. 

Actions to take:

  • Find a place to live
  • Find a job at that location

Environment/ Studio: Large studio space with windows. Painting easels and painting materials. Printmaking slab and press. Apple computer, photography setup, digital scanner, storage closet. A calming yet fun space.

Actions to take: 

  • Start collecting items over the years for when I have my own studio
  • Create a set apart fund for my studio

Mentors: Other people in the area, online class mentors, past teachers.

Actions to take:

  • Familiarize myself with other artists I want to learn from
  • Take online art classes

Education: Complete my AFA at Snow College, then complete a regular BFA then get a teaching licensure or do a BFA in Art Teaching

Actions to take:

  • Apply for schools I am interested in
  • Tour campuses and see what feels right

Lifestyle: A fun balanced lifestyle

Actions to take:

  • Participate in multiple activities, not just art related
  • Implement element of how I want that lifestyle to look, little by little

Spiritual/Mental: Feel more connected with myself and the earth around me

Actions to take:

  • Continue being in therapy
  • Take meditation/ sound bath classes

Physical: Be physically fit, not too buff but just enough to feel good

Actions to take:

  • Take workout classes/ enroll in a gym membership

Practice/Process: Be an oil painter, acrylic painter, and printmaker.

Actions to take:

  • Take more painting and printmaking classes
  • Set aside time for working on concepts

Mackenzie Justesen Creative future


Career: I would like to be a character concept artist. But I am still flexible in what I would like to do. 

Money: I don’t need a ton of wealth, nor do I really want it. But make enough to not be in debt, pay the bills, and still have some for savings and for fun family trips.

Place to live: I would like a nice decent sized house, with a garden/backyard. 

Enviroment/studio: Depending on the space I could have a room, or make a shed in the yard into a studio. I would definitely need somewhere to put all my stuff that is for sure. 

Education: I want to get a bacholers, I am thinking of either graphic design or animation. I don’t know where yet. And I want to continue learning after school with workshops and such.

Lifestyle: I want to be comfortable with the option to travel and have fun. 

Community/peers: I would like to live in a community that is supportive or at least kind with each other. My family will always be a part of my community, with some close friends I hope. I’d also like to find some art friends.

Roddy Gwilliam creative future


Creative Future - Michael Peterson


Creative Future- Isabelle Ludvigson

 Who do you want to be?

  • I want to continue my personal study after my AFA

  • I want to add more movement and mindfulness into my life

  • I want to eventually start a family

Where will you go?

  • Travel!

  • Move out of the state and experience a different environment

  • Live in a safe community— not too big but not too small

  • Have a creative space for me and Sam

    • Could be separate, but have a space for both of us as well

How are you gonna accomplish it/ what will you do?

  • Graduate with my AFA

    • Preparing creatively

  • Take online art classes or in-person art classes after graduating to continue my personal study

  • Save money for school and family stuff

    • Get better jobs and work hard!

  • Afford a home

What can I do today to work on this?

  • Study hard

    • Canvas is my best friend

    • Work from priority 1, 2, 3, etc.

  • Survive finals

  • Take 5-10 minutes each day to think critically

    • Started learning a new language a few days ago

    • Helps stretch my brain

  • Take some time each day to take care of myself

    • Helps my mental health

  • Take time to connect with family and friends

    • Spend some time with Sam

    • Connect with other students

Creative Future - lee


Alexis Gutierrez - Creative Future


Insight for the future - Samuel Hosteenez


Creative Future - Erica Thomas